south central wisconsin division​​

NMRA RailPass Trial Membership


  • There are two categories: Prototype and Model.
  • The contest is open to those who attend the SCWD meetings.
  • The person submitting an entry must be the one who took the video, however you may have help from others in editing your entry.
  • The video can be from any time period (it doesn’t have to be taken just to enter this contest).
  • It has to be a maximum of 5 minutes in length, but can be any size less than that and the file has to be less than 2GB in size.
  • All videos must be on a railroad or model railroad theme.
  • The video can have title screen but not necessary, however there should be no names or identifiers on it (it is a “blind” contest).
  • For the Model Category, the video can be of anyone’s layout, not just your own.
  • First, second and third place will be given for each category (no points given toward annual Photographer contest).
  • Deadline for Entries – March 1 (you will upload all entries to the website listed on the SCWD website, Video Contest webpage).
  • You may enter more than once (max. of 5 entries per person).
  • Voting starts Mar 10 on the SCWD Video Contest webpage.
  • Voting will be closed on end of day April 15.
  • Winners will be announced at the May Division Meeting.

IMPORTANT: Sending your video to the SCWD for the SCWD Video Contest constitutes agreement to the SCWD-NMRA Video/Audio and Photographic Release document. Download a copy of the Release. 

SCWD Video Contest

​​Opens November 1

Closes the following March 1

Voting: March 10 to April 15

Winners announced at May Division Meet

SCWD Facebook Page